
Step 1 - Create a database

NetRisk is projected to work with MariaDB and the first step is to create a database and a user to connect. We do not include here instructions on how to install or configure MariaDB, but it should be pretty easy to find online.

You will need a database ( you can choose any name here, we selected netriskdb).

To do so, connect to maria db a use:

  CHARACTER SET = 'utf8mb4'
  COLLATE = 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci';

Now you need to create a user with?

Always choose a meaningful username and secure, random password!

(The values here are only examples. NEVER USER THEM)

CREATE USER netriskdbuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'supersecretpassword';

It is also recomended to increase the max-allowed-packet in my.ini

To do so using docker mount a folder in /etc/mysql/conf.d and add a file finishing with .cnf.

The file should contain:


Or add the folling to the command line.

--max-connections=1000 --max-allowed-packet=512M

In any case the container should be restarted in the case it already exists.

Step 2 - Install Application - Using Puppet

Our preferred way to install NetRisk is using puppet and the dockerapp_netrisk module that can be found on puppet forge here.

The module will install the application using docker and download the images.

The best way to configure it is using hiera with these parameters:

  - dockerapp_netrisk

dockerapp_netrisk::service_name: netrisk
dockerapp_netrisk::version: '0.52.1'
dockerapp_netrisk::api_server: localhost
dockerapp_netrisk::api_protocol: https
dockerapp_netrisk::api_port: 5443
dockerapp_netrisk::website_port: 6443
dockerapp_netrisk::website_protocol: https
dockerapp_netrisk::website_server: localhost
dockerapp_netrisk::db_server: localhost
dockerapp_netrisk::db_port: 3306
dockerapp_netrisk::db_schema: netriskdb
dockerapp_netrisk::db_user: netriskdbuser
dockerapp_netrisk::db_password: supersecretpassword
dockerapp_netrisk::api_ssl_cert_file: /etc/pki/certs/netrisk.pfx
dockerapp_netrisk::api_ssl_cert_pwd: xxx
dockerapp_netrisk::website_ssl_cert_file: /etc/pki/certs/netrisk.pfx
dockerapp_netrisk::website_ssl_cert_pwd: xxx
dockerapp_netrisk::logging: Information
dockerapp_netrisk::email_from: netrisk@localhost
dockerapp_netrisk::email_server: smtp.netrisk.app
dockerapp_netrisk::email_port: 25
dockerapp_netrisk::enable_api: true
dockerapp_netrisk::enable_website: true
dockerapp_netrisk::enable_console: true 

Step 3 - Initialize DB

Using the console client, initialize the database with the following command:

netrisk-console database init

Step 4 - Create the first user

Now you need to create your first application user. To do so, use the following command on the console client:

 netrisk-console user add

You can list your current users with the command: ConsoleClient user list

Last updated